
The importance of love in life

Whatever love or the act of loving is, it is clear to us the noble and immense origin of this feeling capable of uniting and making people, by living it, transform themselves, making their lives acquire a different meaning and with a higher value. This is a brief reflection on the theme that I have developed in my book The Art of Living Wisely , I share it with you.The word ‘love’ is defined by the Larousse as: affection or inclination to a person or thing; feeling that attracts to another person; care with which a work is worked delighting in it. The word ‘love’ is defined as the act of having love for people or things, desiring, estimating, appreciating.Both definitions, in my opinion, fall short; Most of us would define them using countless words, phrases and sentences that help us understand it better, many of us   would even use artistic expressions such as poetry to define it from a philosophical and humanistic perspective.It has been shown that by loving people modify their own destiny since through it we can define and make our path clearer. Love has a great transforming power in the personal conscience of those who love and, sometimes, of those who love.Love for the group and the family is one of the psychosocial factors that make it possible to maintain the unity of a community, also through love the identification, acceptance and transmission of moral and spiritual values ​​among human beings is achieved.Love together with empathy, solidarity and respect for life, manage to strengthen coexistence in society. The act of loving, among other things, makes it possible for people’s emotions and noblest behaviors to be awakened and shared.If life is a way to go, in it we will find an infinity of events and experiences that sometimes will make us suffer and on others be happy. Every circumstance or encounter that allows loving or offering love and care to a person, group or nature itself, will make that moment of our life unforgettable; If for different reasons these moments of happiness get away from us or we lose them, we must bear in mind that there will always be more time and way ahead to take advantage of and enjoy these situations again, perhaps with other people and in other places , because we recognize that the rewards that are obtained thanks to the act of loving and being loved are enormous and leave indelible marks on our lives.When we move in the direction of love, it makes people move forward and overcome their difficulties or adversities in their lives, since everything is done with the purpose of achieving love.Imagine what your life would be like without love. Think that you do not have the capacity to give and receive love. Given this fact, what would you aspire to in your life? It is difficult to visualize it, but, I will help you a little: surely you would do all those tasks or activities that many machines can do, you would also develop tasks that give us power but not love. For many people living without loving or feeling love is very common, most of them learned it when they were little. Despite all this, many have managed to survive, instead of giving and receiving love they develop feelings such as selfishness, self-centeredness or self-flattery, social isolation and resentment. These people are identified as beings without feelings, they are perceived as sick people, medicine diagnoses them as emotionally disturbed who suffer from alexithymia or anhedonia,Loving or being loved is a great motivator for our existence, scientifically recognized the great physical and psychological benefits that occur in our body when we give and receive love. Those who receive love find in it a great pleasure that manifests itself in different ways, all gratifying, such as the hormonal changes that are capable of altering our nervous system, making us more sensitive to all those noble and sensitive manifestations and behaviors, through them we can enjoy a sunrise or a sunset.Through love, the nobility and other qualities of the human being are lived and set in motion. The same love is often expressed and manifested through behavior and language, not only to those who love but also to the people around us and with whom we live. When we love we observe changes in our breathing, the heart rate is modified, the blood circulation improves and with it its capacity for oxygenation of the cellular tissues. I could mention countless benefits in this regard, but I am sure that people who have fallen in love and are loved recognize them.I have heard many times that love is also a means to find and give meaning to life. It is also a feeling full of energy, through it it is possible to develop enormous capacities essential for socialization with which we will share and transmit our potentialities. It is possible that thanks to love we can empathize and understand another person in the deepest part of their being.Much has been written about love, so I think it is better to live it, because that makes existence lighter. In love we will find the energy that will allow us to move on, we will enjoy moments of peace and happiness. What inspires and motivates each person is unique, hence its vital importance and significance in our lives. 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